Noise Dampening
- Ideal for sound deadening, works well with noisy refrigerators, or other electronics
- Also good for windows, motors, or anything that can be picked up on set
- The blanket measures 1.9m x 2.2m. And is thick and the surface is flat and smooth
- Made of non-woven fabric, needle-punched cotton and polyester thread
- 12mm width, re-useable & super soft.
- Short Fur Sleeves for Light Wind Protection.
- Multipacks contain 1x White, 1x Black, 1x Beige.
- Single Colour Packs contain 3 of one colour: Black, Beige, White & Brown
- Silences, protects, adds stability and traction
- Easy on and easy off - No adhesive required!
- Conforms to most shapes for maximum blendability
- Available in a variety of sizes to suit any heel size
- Hush Heels is a product made to suppress heel noise
- Comes in a package containing 10 pre-cut sheets
- 3mm neoprene closed-cell foam with adhesive backing
- There are 24 individual pieces on each sheet.
- 12 Soft foam mounts for Lavalier mics
- Low profile mounts to reduce clothing noise.
- Designed for COS11, DPA 4060, 4071, Countryman B3 & Sennheiser ME2
- Available in 4 colours: Black, White, Beige & Brown
- 6mm width, re-useable & super soft
- Low Profile Sleeves for Hiding Lav Mics
- Multipacks contain 1x White, 1x Black, 1x Beige.
- Single Colour Packs contain 3 of one colour: Black, Beige, White & Brown
- One side with medical-grade sticky adhesive
- Attaches to clothing or skin
- Designed to eliminate rustling moise
- Acts as a concealer and also protects microphone
- Come in a pack of 15 with two choices of colours: Black or white.
- Designed to stabilize the microphone and minimize clothes noise
- A perfect fit for the Sanken COS-11 and Countryman B3 and B6
- Also a universal solution for most small lavalier microphones
- 12 Soft mini foam mounts for Lavalier mics
- Low profile mounts to reduce clothing noise.
- Designed for COS11, DPA 6060, 6061, Countryman B6 & Sennheiser MKE1
- Available in two colours: Black or White
- Cut the Piece-A-Fur in to pieces as desired to make your own wind protection
- Reduces friction noise remarkably against clothing, hairy chests, skin etc.
- The base/backing material of the fur allows for better frequency transparency
- The fur is specially selected for its high density to deaden friction/rubbing noise
- Easily hide a microphones on clothing without movement noise
- They create a physical space around the microphone that prevents interference
- Designed to fit the ever popular DPA 6060 & 6061, will also fit the Sennheiser MKE1!
- A set contains 4 different clips: Tie-holder, Shirt-holder, T-shirt-holder & Bra-holder
(£35.00 Exc. VAT)
Backorder Available Contact us for lead time
- Cut your own applications from this super soft synthetic fur
- Provides ample wind protection in many applications on set
- Can help reduce clothing noise if applied between layers
- Measures 30 x 15 cm rectangle with 13mm length fur
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